Monday, June 18, 2018

The Energy of the Summer Solstice

Can you feel the excitement of summer?  This week we celebrate the Summer Solstice, in the northern hemisphere it is the start of the fun, playful, summer season. After being cooped up indoors all winter, it is a time to celebrate warmth by being outside. The kid’s are done with school, we travel more, there are celebrations of love, with summer weddings. We spend time at the lakes, rivers & streams, we bond with our families & friends, have bonfires, light fireworks, and there are festivals, dancing & outdoor music everywhere.

In Shaman traditions this season focuses on the three directions of summer. South, South-Southeast, and South-Southwest, are representative of adolescence, maturing, and the inner child. It is the place where we learn how to live successfully, where we come to know abundance. Some of the spirit animals associated with summer are coyote, beaver, hummingbird, otter and squirrel, their energy can help you learn & grow in this season.

The color of the South is red, representing the physical world and our root chakra. Here we learn material lessons concerning money and the accumulation of material possessions. In the summer we experience joy, play, and honoring the child within. Allow yourself time to enjoy your life and do not take yourself too seriously. For those who have lost joy in their lives and need to reconnect with their inner child, or those who have never matured into productive adults, a visit to the South would provide reconnection to this essence and completion of these lessons. The South is also where we begin to solve our issues about lack of material success. You can ask the spirit animals of summer to help you in any of these areas during prayer or meditation. Take a mental journey to your secret garden and see what animal shows up for you and what they have to show you. 

At the start of each season I like to do some energetic cleansing of my home and office. You can do this with a thorough smudging by burning Sage, Sweetgrass or Palo Santo wood. Start by setting your intention that you are moving out any old or stagnant energy and ushering in the new. It’s a great idea to open doors and windows, to really get the energy flowing. Start at the doorway of each room, go into all the corners and throughout each room waving the smoke to cover the area, don’t forget the closets and cupboards.  If you don’t like the smell of burning Sage, Sweetgrass or Palo Santo, or if you are in an office building that won’t allow it, you can use essential oil sprays to accomplish the same movement of energy. Some good oils to use are Palo Santo, Clary Sage, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Cedarwood, Orange or a blend of your favorite oils. Remember, intention is very important. You will feel the fresh vibrant energy that this ritual brings in.

Summer is the time when mother earth opens her arms wide to the heavens to celebrate it’s beautiful bounty. It is a time of new growth and abundance in all areas of your life. Flowers bloom, gardens grow, birds sing, animals play and the sun & rain bring new life to the earth once again. Celebrate this new season, have fun and enjoy it!

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